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Why is it so important to know the exact time of your birth in Human Design? Bonus: how do you find it?

In order to give you the most accurate Human Design reading, it is important that you know the exact time you were born.

First, a little background on the technicalities behind Human Design

Human Design is a channeled system that describes the unique gifts you are here to share, based on exactly when and where in the Universe you were born. More on this is explained further down in the blog post, but I think it is useful to take in a little more information about the system itself if you are not already familiar with Human Design.

Human Design combines a number of different modalities, such as the chakra system, (Western) astrology, Kabbalah, Iching, astrophysics and biomechanics. It is a fascinating system that is based on the neutrino stream that is constantly moving through the universe and which is filtered through the planets in our solar system, thereby giving us the "energetic climate" that we experience.

Neutrinos are tiny particles that are neutrally charged, but have mass and therefore the capacity to hold information. Western astrology, among other things, addresses the archetypal qualities of each planet in our solar system, such as Venus being the planet of "love, romance, and values," Mercury being the planet of "communication," and Saturn being the planet of "tough lessons and brutal awakenings."

When the neutrinos filter through each planet (and thus bring the astrological archetypes) and end up in one of the 64 divided sectors (from Iching) in the sky at any given time, a specific gift (from 1 to 64) is activated in each of the 13 planets/nodes.

This means that a section of your design at the moment you are born might look like this, with gift number 31 activated in the sun, gift number 41 activated in the earth, and gift 22 in the moon:

Eksempel på gavene uttrykt i planetene
Eksempel på gavene uttrykt i planetene

The combination of gifts you are here to share can thus be interpreted based on which planet they are expressed through, which means that for this person I would have explained that " the greatest gift you are here to share with others is that you are a natural role model. You have qualities that make others feel drawn to observe what you do and how you do it, and that it is important for you to recognize whether you feel that you are behaving in line with your authentic self so that you can thereby be a positive influence on those around you. "

It is this unique configuration that makes you unique, and which is so fascinating to observe, in that I very rarely know the person I am reading for, but they confirm that "Yes, that is how I have always felt, but never been able to put it into words!"

You will also see on your design that there is a row of red numbers, on the left side of your design itself, and these numbers are from approximately 88 days before you were born, at the time in the Human Design where "your soul enters your baby's body in the womb". These numbers are often described as "subconscious" parts of yourself, which others often have an easier time recognizing in you than you do yourself.

Hvilke gaver du har (1-64) utgjør hvilke kanaler (to gaver som kobler sammen, feks 48 - 16 i dette designet, se den røde og sort stripede linjen helt til venstre) som utgjør hvilke chakra som får definisjon (farge). Definisjonen i forskjellige konfigurasjoner utgjør energitypen din (en av fem, Projector, Manifestor osv.). For mer informasjon om dette sjekk ut nettkurset mitt "Introduksjon til Human Design".
Hvilke gaver du har (1-64) utgjør hvilke kanaler (to gaver som kobler sammen, feks 48 - 16 i dette designet, se den røde og sort stripede linjen helt til venstre) som utgjør hvilke chakra som får definisjon (farge). Definisjonen i forskjellige konfigurasjoner utgjør energitypen din (en av fem, Projector, Manifestor osv.). For mer informasjon om dette sjekk ut nettkurset mitt "Introduksjon til Human Design".

So! Back to the point.

How to find your exact time of birth

If you live in Norway and were born after 1967, it should be fairly straightforward to find out the exact time you were born.

  1. Log in to or in the app.

  2. Find Health Records

  3. Look for Medical Birth Registry

  4. There you will find the registered time you were born.

If you were born before 1967, you may be lucky enough to have a copy of your birth certificate that states this, or possibly articles from baptisms and the like that show this time. If this is not the case and you do not have reliable sources to rely on, you have a couple of options:

  • Contact your birthplace, if it still exists. The time was usually recorded, but it may be uncertain whether records have been preserved.

  • There are astrologers who specialize in analyzing you and your personality to calculate your exact birth time. In English it is called "birth time rectification" and in Norwegian "retting av føldenstyknud".

I wish you the best of luck in finding out your exact time of birth, and invite you to look up your Human Design at or

When you find out your design, you can, for example, check out my online course "Introduction to Human Design" which gives you a complete overview and introduction to all 5 energy types and their associated "strategies", as well as an overview and in-depth insight into the 8 "authorities". With this information, you will not only gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your own design, but also of your family members, friends, and others you are lucky enough to ask about their exact place and time of birth.

You know that "alternative person in the family who is always interested in knowing when you were born"? Right? No, well now you might have become one of them. Please... :-)




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(tilgjengelig kun på Engelsk foreløpig- Norsk versjon er på vei!)

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