1:1 Human Design Reading
60 minutes deep dive
Service Description
We are all unique, but most of us are raised and encouraged to try to fit into a box. Human Design shows you what unique gifts you are here to share with the world, based on the exact time and place in the world that you were born. How can you best manage your energy in everyday life? What is your personal strategy and best way to make decisions? How can you listen to your inner authority instead of the "noise" in your head? These are some of the answers you can get from a Human Design reading with me. There is a lot of information out there about Human Design, and I am here to help you decipher your map so that you can live a life that is in line with your true nature! We can learn so much about ourselves through a Human Design reading, and I look forward to taking this journey with you. Perhaps there are aspects of yourself that you have always seen as "faulty" but are actually some of the unique gifts you are here to share with the world? Or perhaps you are seeking guidance for your career path, your relationships with others, or want support in your journey towards greater self-love. Whatever answers you seek, I am here to help you uncover them through your unique design, and I look forward to guiding you on this journey! Human Design is a system channeled by Ra Uru Hu, and it combines several ancient and modern modalities such as the Chakra system, Western astrology, I Ching, Kabbalah, as well as modern astronomy and physics. The system is becoming increasingly popular as more and more people become more self-aware, curious about their own energy, and experience burnout or a longing to live up to their full potential. Human Design is often called the "Science of Differentiation" and shows us the exact energy in the cosmos at the time of our birth. It is therefore important that you have your exact time of birth and place of birth in order to get an accurate and relevant reading. This can be found on your birth certificate or at Helsenorge (if you were born after 1967).
Cancellation Policy
Avbestillingsregler: Timer, sessions og readings må avbestilles senest innen 48 timer før avtalt tid. Beløpet er ikke refunderbart etter dette. Uteblivelse (No-show): Ved uteblivelse refunderes ikke beløpet, og timen kan ikke flyttes. Flytting av timer: Coachingtimer kan flyttes én gang dersom dette avtales minst 24 timer før oppsatt tid. Etter dette regnes det som en ny booking. Ta kontakt med meg dersom du behøver å flytte en HD reading, yogatime, kakaomeditasjon eller QHHT session. Betaling: Alle bookinger må betales på forhånd for å bekrefte timen med mindre noe annet avtales mellom klient og utøver. Booking er først gyldig når betalingen er mottatt. Gyldighet for pakker og klippekort: Klippekort og coachingpakker er gyldige i 12 måneder fra kjøpsdato, med mindre annet er spesifisert. Medisinsk ansvar: Hvis du har fysiske eller mentale helseutfordringer, anbefaler vi på det sterkeste at du konsulterer legen din før du deltar i yoga, coaching eller andre tjenester vi tilbyr. Våre tjenester er ment som veiledning og inspirasjon, og er ikke en erstatning for profesjonell medisinsk eller psykologisk hjelp. Ansvarsfraskrivelse: All informasjon som deles under coachingtimer, readings, QHHT sessions og yogatimer er ment som veiledning. Det er kundens ansvar å vurdere og implementere dette på en måte som passer deres situasjon. Endringer og kanselleringer: Vi forbeholder oss retten til å endre tidspunkter eller avlyse timer ved uforutsette hendelser. I slike tilfeller vil ny tid avtales, eller beløpet refunderes. Ankomsttid: For fysiske møter, vennligst møt opp 5–10 minutter før avtalt tid. Forsinkelser på mer enn 15 minutter kan føre til at timen kanselleres uten refusjon.