Family reading Human Design
For up to 4 family members, including yourself
Service Description
Explore Your Unique Family Dynamics with Human Design Every family is unique, and Human Design offers a way to discover how to best support one another and live in harmony. I help you uncover each family member’s unique strengths, energies, and needs, enabling you to create more flow and joy in your everyday life. In a family reading, we explore how each member functions individually and together. We focus on how to support each other’s designs, reduce conflicts, and foster an environment where everyone can thrive. This is perfect for parents seeking to better understand their children, couples wanting to strengthen their relationship, or entire families looking for a deeper understanding of their dynamics. This service is designed for up to 4 family members. If someone cannot attend the session, we can still include them in the analysis, providing insights into how you can best support them. What Can a Family Reading Provide? Insights into each family member’s unique strengths and energies. Practical tools for improving communication and managing conflicts. A deeper understanding of how to support each other’s needs and decisions. Greater respect and connection through recognizing and appreciating differences. What Is Human Design? Human Design combines ancient wisdom traditions, such as the chakra system, astrology, I Ching, and Kabbalah, with modern astronomy and physics. This system reveals how we are each uniquely designed and how we can live in harmony with ourselves and others. To maximize the benefits of a reading, we need the exact time and place of birth for everyone involved, which can often be found on birth certificates. Why Choose a Family Reading? Understanding ourselves and each other better makes everyday life simpler. Human Design offers fresh perspectives on how your family can function as a cohesive unit and handle challenges with greater calm and adaptability. I look forward to helping you explore your family’s unique dynamics and providing the tools to live more balanced lives—both as individuals and as a family. "Very nice to get new perspectives on family dynamics through a human design class with Bergljot. It's easier to understand each other when you have a common starting point. The class opened up new conversations and a new look at each other's unique personalities. We got tips on how to work with relationships, in addition to confirming what we have already experienced, so that we become more confident in ourselves. Very useful class!" – Mari R.
Cancellation Policy
Avbestillingsregler: Timer, sessions og readings må avbestilles senest innen 48 timer før avtalt tid. Beløpet er ikke refunderbart etter dette. Uteblivelse (No-show): Ved uteblivelse refunderes ikke beløpet, og timen kan ikke flyttes. Flytting av timer: Coachingtimer kan flyttes én gang dersom dette avtales minst 24 timer før oppsatt tid. Etter dette regnes det som en ny booking. Betaling: Alle bookinger må betales på forhånd for å bekrefte timen. Booking er først gyldig når betalingen er mottatt. Gyldighet for pakker og klippekort: Klippekort og coachingpakker er gyldige i 6 måneder fra kjøpsdato, med mindre annet er spesifisert. Medisinsk ansvar: Hvis du har fysiske eller mentale helseutfordringer, anbefaler vi på det sterkeste at du konsulterer legen din før du deltar i yoga, coaching eller andre tjenester vi tilbyr. Våre tjenester er ment som veiledning og inspirasjon, og er ikke en erstatning for profesjonell medisinsk eller psykologisk hjelp. Ansvarsfraskrivelse: All informasjon som deles under coachingtimer, readings og yogatimer er ment som veiledning. Det er kundens ansvar å vurdere og implementere dette på en måte som passer deres situasjon. Endringer og kanselleringer: Vi forbeholder oss retten til å endre tidspunkter eller avlyse timer ved uforutsette hendelser. I slike tilfeller vil ny tid avtales, eller beløpet refunderes. Ankomsttid: For fysiske møter, vennligst møt opp 5–10 minutter før avtalt tid. Forsinkelser på mer enn 15 minutter kan føre til at timen kanselleres uten refusjon.